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Creation: 28/05/2010 03:30
Update: 28/05/2010 03:31
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Combat Skills in Archlord - 28/05/2010 03:31

Combat Skills in Archlord

There are twelve kinds of combat skills in Archlord, let's introduce one by one for you, hope you can like more or less.

1) Dual Slash: Not really useful as damage is too low. You will have to reset it anyway when you get triple slash instead, and if you want a single attack, that is. Better not get it at all, since the first levels(Archlord Gold) are fast to go through.
2) Shield Bash: This is a PvP skill, with a blunt. Get it if you want to use it for PvP in low levels, and don't touch it if you want to level fast. You will have the option to use it later for PvP, or use triple slash.
3) Linear Blow: Important skill, the first AoE you get. Max it as soon as possible. You will drop it at higher level when you have enough other more powerful AoE skills.
4) Triple slash: Single attack, so it's PvP oriented. See Shield Bash.
5) Axe smash: If you followed the advice in this guide, you shouldn't use this thing.
6) Blade sting: It is for one-handed sword, single attack, so it's for PvP. I wouldn't advise to use a 1h sword after level 22, so this skill looks irrelevant to me.

7) Swing shot: Second Aoe you get if you're using 2H weapon. Wich is why 2H weapon starting level(Archlord powerleveling) 22: you can AoE sooner than with a one-handed weapon.
8) Stun shock: PvP attack that stuns the opponent. It's a must-have if you want to PvP with a blunt.
9) Strike of death: The most powerful attack zerks have, but with a certain success percentage. It's a PvP skill, being a single attack.
10) Hook: AoE skill you can get at level 34. 12 levels later than swing shot, which is why 2H weapons are good to start with. Max this one as soon as possible
11) Big Wheel: Same as Hook, but higher level. You can possibly reset linear blow at this point, if 3 AoE skills are enough for you.
12) Dragon divide: Same as Big wheel, but higher level. You reset Linear blow at this point, and possibly hook if you use 2H weapon and 3 AoE skills are enough for you.